
Welcome to the new literacy page!
Focus on Non-Fiction
Lesson 1
Suggested Date: Monday May 11
Topic: Fiction vs. Non-fiction
Overview: In this lesson, we will explore how fiction and non-fiction are the same and how they are different. We will begin to discuss common text features of non-fiction selections.
Video Lesson:
Literacy Challenge:
Create a Venn-Diagram to detail the ways fiction and non-fiction are the same and different.
Lesson 2
Suggested Date: Tuesday May 12
Topic: Searching for Non-Fiction and Identifying Basic Text Features
Overview: In this lesson we will take time to explore a resource available to us all: Epic Books (see tab on 'HOME' page under Quick Links: Literacy), and begin to identify some basic text features of non-fiction selections. 
Video Lesson: 
Literacy Challenge:
Explore Epic Books, find a non-fiction title (at home or online) and identify which text features it includes. 
For example: table of contents, glossary, index, headings, sub-headings, images, tables, charts, graphs, captions, other special features (in margins, etc.).
Lesson 3
Suggested Date: Wednesday May 13
Topic: Exploring Non-Fiction Text Features with a focus on Glossary and Index
Overview: In this lesson we will focus on identifying commonly used text features and how they can enhance the understanding of non-fiction texts. We will end the lesson by writing a paragraph to compare and contrast a glossary and an index. 
Video Lesson: 
Literacy Challenge:
Write a paragraph that compares a Glossary and an Index. Consider how they are similar and how they are different, as well as when you would need to use each of these text features. 
Lesson 4
Suggested Date: Thursday May 14
Topic: Orienting to the Voices of Canada Textbook
Overview: In this lesson we will learn how to access the social studies online textbook, will explore the specific text features used in Voices of Canada and choose a region to look at in more depth. 
Video Lesson:

Literacy Challenge:
Complete a scavenger hunt through the non-fiction resource looking for specific text features like: Words Matter, Viewpoints, Thinking it Through and more. 
Lesson 5
Suggested Date: Wednesday May 20
Topic: Instructional Text
Overview: In this lesson we will discuss different method of delivering instructions and informational text - such as written instructions, spoken instructions, visually supported instructions and video instructions. Students will engage in a hands-on activity to create a mini-book. The booklet must be neatly constructed with numbered pages and a Table of Contents. This booklet will be utilized in our upcoming lessons and should be kept in a safe place. 
Video Lesson: 
Literacy Challenge:
Students will write out step-by-step instructions for a topic of their own choosing. Students will challenge a member of their household to use only the instructional text created by the student  to complete the task. Students will email the instructions and their reflections on this process to Mrs. Brunner .
Lesson 6
Suggested Date: Thursday May 21
Topic: Summarizing Non-Fiction Text
Overview: In this lesson we will talk about summarizing and will explore how to write an effective summary of non-fiction text. 
Video lesson:
Literacy Challenge:
Write a brief summary of the section of text highlighted at the end of the video (p.23: Voices of Canada).
Remember to: 
1. Include ONLY the most important ideas from the text.
2. Try to put the ideas in your own words.
3. Leave out little details and repeated information.
4. Use the structure of the text to guide you.
Lesson 7
Suggested Date: Monday May 25
Topic: Location and Climate Summary
Overview: In this lesson we will focus on utilizing the information provided by the Voices of Canada text in order to explore the location and climate of the Interior Plains as an example region. Students will then engage their summarizing skills to represent information about their chosen region.
Video Lesson:
Literacy Challenge:
1. Choose a region to focus on (must not be the Interior Plains example region).
2. Explore that region using the online version of Voices of Canada (link to this text can be found on the homepage of this blog).
3. Summarize information about the location of the region by drawing a map and highlighting important details about where this region is located in Canada.
4. Summarize information about the climate of this region on the same page in your mini-book.
**It would be acceptable to use full pages of paper instead of the mini-book format if necessary**
Lesson 8
Suggested Date: Tuesday May 26
Topic: Skimming and Scanning Non-fiction Text
Overview: In this lesson we will focus on the strategies of skimming and scanning and will practice these skills in order to find information about geographical features and modes of transportation in our chosen regions. 
Video lesson: 
Literacy Challenge: 
1. Skim and scan your region's chapter to find information about its geographical features and transportation. 
2. Write a brief summary in your own words about how the land looks and the modes of transportation used in your region (you may need to infer this based on the region's land forms).
3. Record your summary on the appropriate page of your mini-booklet.
Lesson 9
Suggested Date: Wednesday May 27
Topic: Natural Resources & Industries
Overview: In this lesson we will review the terms natural resources and industry. We will also explore the relationship between the two. Students will use the Voices of Canada text to find information about natural resources and industry in their chosen region.
Video Lesson: 

Literacy Challenge:
1. Using the page numbers indicated by the Index, find important information about the natural resources and industry in your chosen region. Take notes as you research.
2. Summarize your notes in your mini-book on a page dedicated to Natural Resources and Industry.
Lesson 10
Suggested Date: Thursday May 28
Topic: Notetaking with Non-fiction Text
Overview: In this lesson we will learn about three note-taking strategies and will practice these skills while searching for historical information or the 'roots' of our chosen regions. 
Video Lesson:
Literacy Challenge:
1. Skim and scan your chapter's region to find information about its history or the roots of the region.
2. Choose a notetaking format to take notes about the historical pieces that interest you most.
3. Write a brief summary in your own words about the historical pieces that interest you. Aim for 2 or 3 points.
4. Record your notes in your mini-booklet on the page designated for the 'Roots of the Region'. 
Lesson 11
Suggested Date: Tuesday June 2
Topic: Front Cover and Glossary
Overview: In this lesson students will discuss the purpose of Front Covers and explore examples of cover pages in preparation for creating their own effective Front Cover of the region specific mini-book. Students will also look at the format of Glossary pages before creating a glossary page for their mini-book. 
Video Lesson: 

Literacy Challenge:
Front Cover
1. Web/brainstorm the most important and unique topics, ideas, concepts related to your specific region.
2. Design a front cover page to showcase the elements you choose to highlight in a purposeful way.
Glossary Page
1. Web/brainstorm terms or words that are important to understand clearly when exploring informational text about your chose region.
2. Choose at least two to present alphabetically with a definition on page 5 of your mini-book. 
Lesson 12
Suggested Date: Thursday June 4
Topic: Back Covers and Blurbs
Overview: In this lesson we will wrap up our non-fiction focus by learning about what makes an effective back cover. We will examine sample fiction and non-fiction back covers, and we will work to create a back cover for our non-fiction mini-booklets. 
Video Lesson:

Literacy Challenge:
Create a back-cover for your mini-booklet. Be sure to include the following:
1. Tagline (required)
2. Blurb (required)
3. Author bio (optional)
4. Testimonials (optional)
*Look to answer this question: Why should I visit this region of Canada?

Polish your booklet and practice presenting it. On Thursday June 4th you will be sent a link to present your booklet using Flipgrid! We encourage you to complete the Flipgrid on or prior to Tuesday, June 9th as that is when our final literacy unit begins. We can't wait to see what you create!
Literacy Focus: The Booktalk
Lesson 1
Suggested Date: Tuesday June 9
Topic: Booktalk Instructions
Overview: In this lesson students will be presented with the guidelines for creating a booktalk presentation. Students will take notes of the specific details to cover in their presentation during the lesson, in order to begin the process of selecting a book that is a good fit for a booktalk. 

Literacy Challenge:
1. Take careful notes of the requirements of the booktalk during the lesson as reference. 
2. Begin the brainstorming process by listing potential book options, perhaps webbing ideas about a few books that seem to be good fits for this project and narrowing the choices down to just a few book options that you might want to go back and browse through. 
3. You may begin a rough draft/outline of your booktalk, but remember to watch the next two videos before completing the assignment in order make some revisions to your initial draft. 
Lesson 2
Suggested Date: Thursday June 11
Topic: Preparing a Booktalk 
Overview: In this lesson students will learn about book talk expectations and walk through a checklist to help begin preparing for their own project. 
Sample Booktalk:
Literacy Challenge: 
Use the following checklist to begin preparing your booktalk:
Introduction: is there a hook? Why did you choose this book?
Body: basic information about the book (see content)
Conclusion/Wrap-Up: give a rating and/or recommendation and any final thoughts
Basic plot summary (no spoilers!)
Tasty Tidbit of writing
Opinion (rating and reasoning)
Include a visual (the book, a picture? a prop? consider what you will wear)
Voice: is it clear with appropriate volume and expression?
Body language: engaging posture and eye contact?

**You will have a week to prepare your book talk. Look for the opportunity to showcase your presentation in a final Flipgrid! The link will be coming your way on Thursday June 18, and is due on Friday June 19th. Students will be encouraged to check out each others' booktalks in order to create their own 'Summer Reading Lists'. Have fun with this!  
...Note: two more lessons that will be helpful in your preparation are coming your way next week!
Lesson 3
Suggested Date: Tuesday June 16th
Topic: Booktalk Exemplar and Assessment
Lesson Overview: Students will revisit the Booktalk Checklist before viewing an example booktalk presented by Mrs. Brunner on the novel Sweep by Jonathan Auxier. Students will apply the booktalk checklist to this example booktalk in order to think deeply about the expectations of booktalks before polishing and presenting their own. 
Literacy Challenge:
1. Ensure that the Booktalk Checklist is written in your Literacy Notebook.
2. While viewing Mrs. Brunner's booktalk consider what elements of the checklist have been covered. Make notes on what was effective and what could be enhanced or improved upon. 
3. Email Mrs. Brunner, Ms. Bourassa, and your classroom teacher with your feedback on Mrs. Brunner's booktalk.
Lesson 4: Final Lesson
Date: Thursday June 18
Topic: Polishing and Preparing to Present the Book Talk
Overview: This lesson will walk students through final preparations for their booktalk presentations. Students will also be encouraged to watch their classmates' presentations and set up their own 'Summer Reading List' to note the recommendations that interest them.

Booktalk Challenge:
1) First: 
  • Using the checklist (found above), finish preparing your book talk.
  • Prepare cue cards to ensure you cover all your main points.
  • Gather/create your props and brainstorm possible outfits/costumes.
  • Rehearse a few times.
2) Next:
  • Record your presentation on 'Flipgrid!' on or before Monday June 22nd. (The link will be emailed to you from your teacher on Thursday June 18th.) 
3) Then:
  • Watch your classmates' booktalk presentation on Flipgrid!
  • Create your own 'Summer Reading List' recording any books that interest you that were recommended by others.
  • Take a picture of your summer reading list and email it to your teacher.
Happy Reading!